How To View Full E-Mail Headers?

Mozilla Thunderbird

  • Open the message in its own window by double-clicking on it in the list of messages.
  • In the menu bar, select View, then Headers, and click All.
  • Alternatively, you may be able to click on View followed by Message Source.

Mac OS X Mail

  • Open the message in its own window by double-clicking on it in the list of messages.
  • In the menu bar, click on View, then Message, then All Headers (or Raw Source on older versions of Mail).

Outlook 2016, 2013, and 2010

  • Open the message in its own window by double-clicking on it in the list of messages.
  • Click on the File tab.
  • In the File window, click Properties.
  • The Internet headers section contains the full email headers.

Windows Mail/Windows Live Mail

  • In the list of messages, right-click on the message in question and choose Properties.
  • In the Properties window, click on the Details tab.
  • The headers will be displayed in the section labeled Internet headers for this message. Web Interface

  • Right-click on the message while viewing it in your inbox.
  • On the menu that appears, click on View Source.

Gmail Web Interface

  • Open the message by clicking on it in the list of messages.
  • Click on the More icon (the small downward-facing arrow next to the Reply button at the top right of the message).
  • On the menu that appears, click on Show original.

Yahoo Mail Web Interface

  • Open the message in question by clicking on it in the list of messages.
  • Under the More menu above the message, click on the link marked View Full Header.

Horde Webmail

  • Open the message by clicking on it in the list of messages.
  • Click on the link marked Show All Headers or, on newer versions of Horde, select View Source under Other Options in the preview pane. View Source also is available at the top-right of the full message view.

RoundCube Webmail

  • Open the message by double-clicking on it in the list of messages.
  • Click on the link marked Message Source. Newer versions of RoundCube have a downward-facing arrow that displays Toggle raw message headers when you move your mouse over it. The icon is at the bottom of the message header section, to the far right of the date field.

SquirrelMail Webmail

  • Open the message by clicking on it in the list of messages.
  • Click on the link marked View Full Header in the Options section at the top of the message.

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